Are: (a) Perishability Products that are perishable in nature are distributed through the use of a shorter distribution channel so that the goods can be delivered to the consumers without delay. Delay in distribution of these products will result in deterioration of their quality. (b) Size and weight of the product Bulky and heavy products like coal, food grains, etc. are distributed directly to the users which involves heavy transportation costs. In order to reduce these costs, a short and direct distribution channel is appropriate. (c) Unit value of the product Products with lower price and high turnover are distributed through the use of longer distribution channels. Household products like utensils, cloth, cosmetics etc.
take longer to reach the consumers on the other hand while jewelers sell high value jewelery directly to the consumers. (d) Standardized products Products of higher volume and quality usually take longer by adopting a phone number database longer distribution channel. For example, standard-sized machines and cars reach the consumer through wholesalers and retailers. Non-standardized products take less time and pass through shorter distribution channels. (e) The technical nature of the products Industrial products that are highly technical in nature are usually distributed directly to users and take less time and adopt a shorter distribution channel.
In this case, after-sales service and technical advice are provided by the manufacturer to consumers. On the other hand, consumer products that are technical in nature are usually sold through wholesalers and retailers. This way a longer distribution channel is used for their sales. After-sales services are provided by wholesalers and retailers. Examples of such products are televisions, scooters, refrigerators, etc. (f) Production lines A manufacturer who produces different products in the same lines sells directly or through retailers and consumes less time in distributing them. For example, in the case of automobile rubber products, this practice is followed. On the other hand, a manufacturer that deals only in one item hires sales agents, wholesalers and retailers to sell the product.